Also known as Grainne Mhaoil, The Leitrim, Port Uí Fhaoláin, Tommy Whelan’s, Uí Fhaoláin, Whelan’s Fancy, Whelan’s Frolics.
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by | Jigs
Also known as Grainne Mhaoil, The Leitrim, Port Uí Fhaoláin, Tommy Whelan’s, Uí Fhaoláin, Whelan’s Fancy, Whelan’s Frolics.
I’m not trying to convince you that dotfree infographics are THE one way to success – because I don’t know and it might be completely different for you.
But I’m sharing my learning materials with anyone who might be interested.
Some tracks and materials are free of charge, some are available for a small fee to cover some of my costs.
Enjoy and share, if you like, what I do. Personally I’m not on social media – I have better things to do (guess what ;-))