Building an Irish traditional repertoire learning from dot free charts
What happens when an IT professional in early retirement decides after 40 years of traditional German sessions to “start a new career” and to build up a repertoire in irish traditional music?
And what if the person has spent most of her professional life teaching?
And what if learning has become much more difficult for her as she gets older?
She starts creating witty charts to help her on her quest and shares them for free with other evolving ITM musicians. Enjoy!
Even though I’m not irish, I’m at least a redhead 😉
No dots
I can read music but realised learning trad tunes is much easier without the dots
I am a musician and yet a visual learner
By Ear
I can pick up melodies by ear – but not (yet?) from a reel played at battle speed.
My work might not fit your learning needs
Do it your way
I’m not trying to convince you that dotfree infographics are THE one way to success – because I don’t know and it might be completely different for you.
I’m sharing my learning materials with anyone who might be interested.
All materials from are free of charge
Enjoy and share, if you like, what I do. Personally, I’m not on social media – I have better things to do (guess what 😉 )
Dotfree Infographics
so far
Slow Airs
Slip Jigs
Cheat Sheets
Tunes/Learning materials
As always for traditional tunes, musical notation in any form does not indicate the “right” way to play the tune, but is a useful reference.
Mental note: Incipits are helpful! 😊
Metronome Training
Trickier than I initially thought: Metronome on 80 bpm and start with the B-part 🙂
The Structure of jigs
Download PDF:
The Pride of Petravore
Also known as Eibhlín Óg, Eileen Og, Eileen Óg, Eileen Oge, Eileen Ogg, Eileen Oige, Molly At The...
The Irish Washerwoman
Also known as An Bhean Níocháin Éireannach, Corporal Casey, The Country Courtship, Do Virgins...
Lord Inchiquin
Download PDF: Tune on Spotify:...
The Dublinsers – Jigs, Reels / Hornpipes
Download abc-File Download PDF...
Seolaim Araon Na Geanna Romhainn/Tin Whistles by Paddy Moloney & Sean Potts
RIght now, I'm listening to "Tin Whistles" by Paddy Moloney & Sean Potts. Wouldn't it be nice...
The South Wind
Also known as A Ghaoth Andeas, An Gaoth Andheas, An Gaoth Aneas, An Gaoth Anneas, An Ghaoth...
Hornpipe Structure
Download PDF:
Structure of Reels
Download PDF: Interested in...
The Maid behind the Bar
Also known as The Barmaid, Freastalaí Laistiar Cuntar, Freastalaí Laistiar ḍen ǥCuntar, The...
If you ever were mine
Download PDF: Tune on...
Road to Tralee
Also known as An Bóthar ó Thuaidh, Bóthar O’Thuaidh, Fair Play To Ye Nora, Fair Play To Ye, Nora,...
Whelan’s Jig
Also known as Grainne Mhaoil, The Leitrim, Port Uí Fhaoláin, Tommy Whelan’s, Uí Fhaoláin, Whelan’s...
The Foggy Dew
Also known as An T-Óglach, The Foggy Dew March, The Foggy Dew, When I Was Young And In My Prime....
Inis Oirr/Inisheer
Also known as Inis Oir, Inis Oírr, Inisfree, Inish Iar, Inish Oirr, Inishere, [wpdm_package...
Si Beag Si Mhor
Tune on Spotify: [button...
Shoe the Donkey
Also known as Clap Your Leg Up, Cock Your Leg Up, Come To Bed Love, Father Halpin, Father Halpin’s...
Learning Styles vs Dual Coding Read the article here
John Ryans Polka
Also known as Armagh, The Armagh, Hills Of Connemara, Jack Ryan’s, Johnny Ryan’s, Keadue, The...
The Rakes of Mallow
Also known as Galway Piper, High Could Cap, Jolly Sailor, La Pitoune, Lhigey, Lhigey, Mallow...
The britches full of stitches
Also known as The Breeches Full Of Stitches, The Irish Lad’s A Jolly Boy, O The Britches Full Of...
Warming up & Ear Training pack
Pack contains: Mode-Chart as PDF and png-file 6 drone backing tracks (Cello Drone in G, A,...